In India Trademark registration is very inevitable in all the business Organizations. A trademark may include a name, a word, a sound mark, a phrase, a logo, a symbol, a design, an image, or a combination of all these elements. A registered trademark is the exclusive property of the owner of the trademark. We are in the trademark registration for many successful years being one of the reliable trademark registration concerns in the country. Along with trademark registration services we do all the needful for the company registration.
We at our firm provide information about trademark registration process and responds to inquiries about the status of specific trademark application. We also assist in providing a search of federally registered and pending trademarks for someone seeking to name a service or product.
Our Service Includes:
- Trade Mark Search: Instantly check the availability of your brand name, logo or slogan with our trademark search application.
- Trade Mark Prosecution: It refers to the legal process of registering a trademark or service mark. It involves filing various documents that make up the application, as well as the review by a government examiner to determine whether or not the application can be approved.
Trade Mark Opposition: Our firm also initiates Opposition, Application for Rectification of the Register, Counter statement, Refusal of Trademark for the interest of our clients.
- Trade Mark Infringement: To safeguard our client we make necessary steps to hold unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark on or in connection with goods or services in a manner that is likely to cause confusion, deception, or mistake about the source of the goods and services.
- Assignment and Transmission: We also help in assigning and transfer of trademark from one owner to a new owner as per requirements.
- Renewal & Restoration of Trade Marks: Our associations make us help our client to renew their Trade Mark registration, systematically and smoothly.
Want to go for Trademark Registration, Trademark Attorney, Intellectual Property Lawyers/Advocate, Near Port of Kandla, Mudra Port, Gujarat, Ahmadabad, India, If Yes. Contact Us.
Telephone No.+91-9426977365